It didn’t quite work out that way. Scooter is now in Kitty Heaven and Petie, although he is the consummate expert at entertaining himself, really seemed like he missed having a buddy. When Lola and I would say “Sebastian” Petie’s ears would pop up, and he’d look at us as if to say “Where??? Where is Sebastian?” We decided to go ahead with the adoption of Sebastian. On Valentine’s Day we made the trek over to bring Petie’s brother home.
The first day he found all of Petie’s same hiding places from when Petie was the ‘new guy’, then by the next afternoon he was out exploring. Petie constantly followed him around meowing “Hey, dude, it’s me - - your BROTHER - - -remember me??” Sebastian was not buying it. He was clearly annoyed at Petie for following him all around the house!! Petie remembers Sebastian but Sebastian is not too sure about Petie. I do definitely know who the Alpha cat is, though - - Sebastian!!
Sebastian (aka Sabbie)
Sebastian and Petie
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