Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Hooray! The outdoor swimming pool is now open at the gym!!! Lola and I were so excited - - we went on both Saturday and Sunday. Lola had a little accident at the pool and cut her ankle on Sunday - - the wind was very strong that day and a metal sign that was propped up next to the outdoor Jacuzzi blew over at the very moment Lola walked by it - - and the sharp corner of it landed on her outer left ankle. The cut itself is about two inches long and about ½ inch wide, but not too deep, thankfully. One of the lifeguards got her sanitized and patched up and she was good to go for the rest of the day. I made her elevate her leg that evening because the cut was still bleeding a little. Yesterday she seemed to be sore, but walking, but this morning she said her ankle hurt and she was really sore. I’m guessing there will also be some bruising that will appear a little later, but right now the cut itself is looking pretty good. I will be monitoring to make sure she keeps off that leg this evening (I told her she can watch DVD’s all night tonight once her homework is done and after the social worker talks to her for the adoption 6-month follow-up, which is at 7pm tonight.
She is gladly counting down the last days of school - - there are only eight more after today - - but she seems happy to be looking forward to middle school in the fall. I still have not heard any results regarding the CRCT Math test yet….she knows we both have some mathematics challenges ahead of us this summer.
Lola is also supposed to get a free Six Flags over Georgia pass for doing a reading project at school back in March, and she is so excited - - apparently these tickets were supposed to be distributed yesterday, but I didn’t see one in the communications envelope I get from her teachers every week. I’m checking on this to see if perhaps it was delayed.
Yesterday Lola came home from school and showed me a certificate called the Dolphin Achievement Award she earned for her improvement in academics. Pretty impressive. It made her feel quite proud of herself, too!
My cold / flu / whatever is slowly getting better. I’m still quite congested, but at least I can sleep through the night now. I won’t be running any marathons yet (ha ha ha) but I did go down the waterslides at the pool on Sunday without coughing myself silly from the strain on my lungs! I’m so happy because I love the waterslides. I think I’m the only female adult who goes on the waterslide with her child! Hey, I’m just a 12-year-old stuck in a 40-something-year-old body!!
I got the cutest Mother’s Day card from Lola!! Kimmi actually went to the store and picked it out but had Lola sign her name and present it to me on Sunday evening. It is now sitting in full display on our fireplace mantel!
1 comment:
Well, you clearly don't live near us! We are wearing jackets yet in Michigan.
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